
µ-MVP Library

Mmvp.js is a micro-MVP javascript library which allows you to bind presenter callbacks to be triggered in reaction to changes in a model.

Binding1 callbacks is as simple as passing a presenter callback function to Mmvp's set_action function. Once an action is bound, modifying the model dispatches the attached callback:

var presenter = new Mmvp();
var model = {};

    add: function(key, value) {
            "key '" + key + "' added with value '" + value + "'"

model.item_a = "hello";
// console.log: key 'item_a' added with value 'hello'</pre>

The above example2 shows binding of the add action callback. In addition to the add callback, the following callbacks may be bound to react to model changes:

Action Arguments Dispatched when
add key, value An item is added to the model
remove key An item is removed from the model
update key, value An item's value was udpated
populate key, value The model goes from being empty to populated
empty The model goes from being populated to empty

You can imagine how you might construct more complex views by putting to use DOM selectors and a templating engine in your action callbacks.

A MVP library explication wouldn't be complete without a TodoMVC demo. So, here's an archetypal TodoMVC demo coded up3 using Mmvp's presenter callbacks. :

  1. Binding as in specifying M->V callbacks; and not V->M callbacks. After all V->M logic is typically handled as consequent of user-interaction and thus should be specified in user-interface callbacks.
  2. Feel free to pop open web inspector and run on this page! Mmvp is in global scope.
  3. The demo code (74 SLOC) is only slighter heavier than the Mmvp library itself (45 SLOC)