
An audio player for the RPI

Piply is a small python2, alsa, and mplayer-based audio playing interface for the Raspberry Pi and pi plate I created after failing to find a good mplayer wrapper interface to the pi plate.

Piply includes a small file-browsing interface, a playback screen in which you can speed up or slow down a song, and a configuration screen to adjust volume.

The user interface contains 3 screens:

Animated Gif of Piply

An animated GIF of the user interface of Piply.

I really love using the Raspberry Pi hooked up to my audio drive. Right now I run Arch Linux ARM on my Pi, and from boot all I have to do is ssh in and start python2 Piply.py to get it up and running (under a dtach session).

I plan to eventually write a small systemd script to automate the process all together to have an end-to-end audio player.

Piply running on Rapsberry Pi

My Raspberry Pi B+ running Piply.